

American immigrant in Nagoya. Miniatures wargaming is my longtime hobby, although my win/loss ratio doesn’t show it. (he/him) ウォーハンマー歴が長い割に勝率がそこまで行ってない派。

フォロー数:1964 フォロワー数:1003

Legio Gryphonicus walks! It’s always amazing how even a very subtle bit of posing can bring a model to life.

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コントラスト展、その二!An update to my Contrast cheerleading post after another year.

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I’ve been plague marine-ing it up with some Dusk Raiders!

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In the end, the so-called Dusk Raiders are a tiny warband in a galaxy torn with strife, a glimmer of an ancient history that has passed, for most, into legend. Any questions concerning their ties to the past are, and are likely to forever remain, unasked and unanswered.

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It is just within the realm of possibility that the plague marine warband styling themselves the Dusk Raiders are in fact Death Guard of Terran stock who sided with Mortarion during the Horus Heresy, reclaiming their heritage with the splintering of the legion.

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最近の作品、地味にポックスウォーカーとナーグリング!My latest finished models, none of that Indomitus sexiness for me, just regular old poxwalkers and nurglings.

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I've been tearing through the Underworlds warbands I hadn't painted yet. Contrasts plus WFH means it's been going pretty quickly.

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グリムウォッチ、1日にコントラストで完成しました!どう塗ればいいかずっと悩んでたけど、うん!かっこいいかも。Here's the Grymwatch for done, another one-day Contrast jobber.

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ポックスウォーカー完成しました!There’s the poxwalkers done too.

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