

Artist • co-author/designer of Agatha Christie companion 2004 • See website/instagram for enquiries/gallery.

フォロー数:1264 フォロワー数:381

Sussex gorse oils on canvas board 16 x 12, 13 x 8 inches. Autumn skies.

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Breezy sky, oil on linen board, 13.5 x 9 inches. Good time to finish paintings…. fans….

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Local blustery skies studies. Watercolours, conte on cream and grey paper. 9 x 5/6 inches.

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Sussex series oils on linen and canvas board 12/3 x 8 inches.

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oils on canvas board 14 x 8 inches. Mixing older styles with my own. etc..

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Back to cool watercolour landscape! Trees and terrain. 11 x 8 and 10 x 8 inches. On cream papers. Inspired by the great favourites and

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Watercolour sketches 10 x 5 inches or so, of the grounds at more to do… and

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Watercolour landscape tree series. Following my classical style re: and others. 10 x 7 on cream and white watercolour paper .

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Evening sunset and cloud watercolours, gouache and pastel on paper, 9 x 6 inches.

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