

Illustrator | NFT artist. Fictional World | foundation.app/@Vlada_Bystrova | opensea.io/Bystrova_Vlada

フォロー数:1052 フォロワー数:2120

Available on FND

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“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

0 1

“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

1 1

“SUPPORT” my new drop on

Support is important for everyone. Words spoken in the right moment can save a person, they can give strength to move on and not give up.


0.11 ETH

0 0

“SUPPORT” my new drop on

Support is important for everyone. Words spoken in the right moment can save a person, they can give strength to move on and not give up.


0.11 ETH

0 0

“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

0 1

“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

1 0

“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

0 0

“Muse” my new drop on

The muse can be different for each of us. She may become a friend, or she may be ruthless, taking her inspiration with her. But she is always beautiful.


0.11 ETH

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