

♡➵HAZUKI/葉月┊SHADOWS&XANADU会員┊四六時中脳内はlynch.・DIR EN GREY・BUCK-TICKも好き┊2022.11.23 lynch.日武参戦┊リンチの2023秋冬ツアー全通┊言語:polski/English/français/日本語勉強中┊描きたい物を描きたい時に描く人・絵垢↓

フォロー数:268 フォロワー数:799

I wanna give Uruha a bop on his cute nose...

10 70

Take my heart, just rip it out of my thorax

30 72

Thank you, Hazuki

17 58

れいたさんお誕生日おめでとうございま〜す !
Thank you for being born and illuminating our darkest days with your beautiful personality. You undoubtedly are a ray of sunshine in all that darkness out there. You’re beautiful inside and out and deserve the best. The very best! 💞

40 90

I’m at a loss for words, this is so awesome 🖤

0 12

Oh Reeeichan, Reichan... I’m spewing uwus all over the place

8 30