

old twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

フォロー数:125 フォロワー数:38

more new brush mess ft ruby this time

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brush testing ft my pen pressure giving up every few seconds for some fuckening reason and also weiss's hair

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let's hear it for the void!!

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2. my beautiful wife

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so i was goin thru my art blog to fix some tags and i found the most important yowapeda art i ever did

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2. also not a surprise at all in any way

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anyway here's wonderwall

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how do i know i love her? because i can sleep after i talk to her.

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also: highlights from when i drew all my main timeline kids. henry!cynthia, libra!severa, donnel!noire, and fred!nah

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i also found this hot mess which is considerably less on its way to being finished

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