void @ i love you zsaszさんのプロフィール画像

void @ i love you zsaszさんのイラストまとめ

• I'm the Zsasz guy.
• #朔ちゃんいちばん
• Mercury Black liker
• RT heavy
• bot: @voiderline
• art: @mercuryliker
• ♦️ @woofevening ♦️

フォロー数:436 フォロワー数:713

UPS guy: hey by the way, my boss is coming by later with like 16 more boxes
Me and my coworker:

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tentative tekko cosplans are yang friday, luka saturday, yumeko sunday

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someone else has pointed this out already, right

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like what... did they do to my beautiful blake...

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ultimate emerald v8 design would've been this top these pants + chaps and these boots and the braids

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me to a customer and her daughter: you have a wonderful rest of your day!
her daughter: otay tank you! you too!

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Frothing at the fucking mouth right now

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did a little scribble for ft. my emerc rwbaby Opal :) they're taking a family photo

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He named it after an utsu-p song

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