gulli 💛さんのプロフィール画像

gulli 💛さんのイラストまとめ

She/They - Gulli - Hiya! I like drawing silly and cute stuff! Frye💛Enjoyer!! Health hiatus, I'll be back soon!

フォロー数:975 フォロワー数:61143

Daily!! Random bouquet, wasn't sure what to really make today so! -shrug- !!!

12 85

Stream doodles!!! Drawin' cute fluffy things is CAThartic GET IT

2 45

Daily! I updated Bouquet and gave her a whole new reference sheet!! Here's it in pieces (cos it'd look odd fullsize on twitter haha!) But i love this goof and i'm proud of how far she's come from the first time i drew her!!!

7 49

Stream requests from today!! i had a lot of fun with yall!!
(and i totally didnt catch the twitters of the last two my bad)

6 41

Daily morning doodle- rowdy cat!!! so dang meowdy!!

5 59

Daily doodle for today!! An adopt i bought from the super sweet !!! I LOVE THIS DESIGN SO MUCH i also gave them a sweater for funsies!

8 52

Dailys for today!! random lady!! not really sure what she's s'posed to be but aw well!

19 100

Daily- gonna be gone on a trip with my parents and brother!! i hope its gonna be fun, it's been a long time since i've had a family trip! anyways here's probably the furry-est thing i've ever drawn but i will Fist Fight you linda i'm gonna draw squirrel people in PEACE

16 103

Dailys! doodles of a bird(?) friend and (1)knight-y person

21 108

not a daily but- watchin vids and chillin with my boo and doodled! quick felicitty!!

45 269