

Artist and Illustrator, looking for representation.

Open for freelance work

Personal commission: Closed

日本語を勉強しています! 🇯🇵

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:18658

Sorry but, I did the nose bleed thing way back in 2015 with this drawing, yall slow on these trends.

8 99

Is me, full image posted on Tumblr plus casual detail on the whole topic. Only flair is red string bow tie cause I like those.

43 189

Finally took the time to finish this tiny watercolor I started a week ago or so.

6 19

Small watercolor gift for birthday, which was yesterday, Happy birthday again !

21 95

for those not on tumblr much. last night drawing.

2 15

I will stop here for now and maybe work on it again later.

2 11