

procrastinator kitty || 20 || any prns || ru/eng || CREDIT IF REPOST💫

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:528

✦Vanessa, Demon of heartlessness (OC)

0 9

🩸se1f-harm warning
despite the heavy emotions that I experienced while drawing this, I liked how it turned out
so let it lie here

0 10

anybody still playing in this game? hope someday it will return its potential,, too enjoying to play😭😭

0 7

wait what's wrong with this mash-up😥😥😥

0 10

мне так влом его дорисовывать...

0 10

Начало года, а я уже в долгах по учебе 🤔

0 15

Soon it will be a year since I started playing genshin just for him🥴🥴

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