

Just story links. Includes SFW and NSFW work. Main account: @thevulpinehero1

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Started a collection of Touhou stories which I'll be adding to whenever I get the urge. The first two chapters are about Alice, Marisa, and a certain miko's cooking misadventures.
(Art by !)

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Did a Chicken Soup, featuring a first person Okayu. I had fun trying to emulate a few of her vocal tics. 🥐🍙

(Art by .)

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Happy New Year! It just ticked over for me, so as a present, here's a new chapter for Warless World, featuring Nath, Sham, and a rare appearance of plot. (Only on ao3 for now, I'll put up blogspot tomorrow or the day after)

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Chapter 55 of Tales of a Warless World is up, following up on the Alte/Mira storyline from chapter 49, Bittersweet. Mira attempts to infiltrate the Suguri household, to mixed results.

Art by

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Chapter 9 of Chicken Soup Stories -- this time it's a Hololive story featuring OkaKoro. (Still figuring out what I want to do with the thumbnails!)

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A little update to the Sack of Drabbles -- five stories about Nath, as requested by on ko-fi.
The chibi art in the thumbnail is by -- you can blame the background and arrangement on me. I'm still figuring it out 😅

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Another chapter of Chicken Soup Stories, this time a solo Marisa piece on the nature of sustainable witchery.

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At long last, it's time for another chapter of Tales Of A Warless World -- this time, it's part 3 of Ultimate Weapon Girls, with Sham and Sora pulling off their first concert for Suguri and Hime!

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Chapter 4 of Chicken Soup Stories, featuring Hime, Suguri, and baconation.
(Thumbnail is cropped from a commission did for me a while back, still not sure what thumbnail I want for this series)

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Chapter 3 of Chicken Soup Stories, featuring Marisa, Nitori, and some odd kappa folklore.
(Thumbnail is by . Kinda sorry I first used it on this story of all things, but oh well!)

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