

probably busy doing too many things at once.

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:3392

Next week is gonna be a lot, so I wanted to draw something fun before it _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

Also it's Gon's birthday!

66 172

messy abbacchio sketch_(:3」∠)_

45 139

This morning I noticed that it's been about 2 years since I last drew Avdol and that's is waaaay too long (◎-◎;)

314 797

It's been so long since I had time to draw something, so I had to warm up by doing something quick and messy. Kind of a redesign of the Neo redesign 'cause if it ain't broke (˙ ͜ʟ˙ )

35 123

oc doodle _(・_.)/

10 53

I can't choose which background colour I prefer, so I'll post both (˙ ͜ʟ˙ )

21 84

Got my shit together and finished something ε-(´・`)

266 725

2009, 2014, 2019

Wanted to only use drawings with the same character even though his design has been very inconsistent over the years ┐(´-`)┌

2 25