

probably busy doing too many things at once.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:3265

oc doodle for change. it's a Galka 🙌

3 20

15 Kujo Jolyne (JJBA Stone Ocean)

223 273

14 O.D (Gatchaman Crowds)

34 40

13 Uvogin (Hunter x Hunter)

42 70

12 Serpico (Berserk)

43 72

11 Pannacotta Fugo (JJBA Vento Aureo)

98 155

10 Usopp (One Piece)

90 134

08 Eraserhead (Boku no Hero Academia)

311 371

just one of my many animation doodles that I'll never finish properly 'cause I'm too busy with other animation things

2 16

07 Kujo Jotaro (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)

158 239