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Wallace Polsom, "Odd Partnerships for Survival II" (2019), paper collage, 17.1 x 27.4 cm | https://t.co/7RSuUgpHlS #papercollage #collage #collageart #art #artistsontwitter #contemporaryart #oddpartnerships #surreal #surrealism
Wallace Polsom, "Ask Me No Questions II" (2019), paper collage, 18 x 20.2 cm | https://t.co/lQ60LByYEB #papercollage #collage #collageart #art #artistsontwitter #contemporaryart #askmenoquestions #surreal #surrealism
Wallace Polsom, "Where the Streets Have No Name" (2019), paper collage, 22.3 x 23.6 cm | https://t.co/jwkLAKg288 #collage #collageart #papercollage #art #contemporaryart #wherethestreetshavenoname #surreal #surrealism
Wallace Polsom, "Confessional V" (2019), paper collage, 19 x 16.6 cm | https://t.co/nYgE145t7e #collage #collageart #art #artistsontwitter #contemporaryart #confessional #arthistory #surreal #surrealism
Wallace Polsom, "Science Grrl; or, Replication Compulsion" (2019), paper collage, 17.1 x 25.5 cm | https://t.co/0j5kP97X8k #collage #collageart #art #wallacepolsom #contemporaryart #artistsoninstagram #sciencegrrl #replicationcompulsion #underwatertest
Wallace Polsom, "Rara Avis" (2019), paper collage, 18.2 x 18.2 cm | https://t.co/77tYFld1M4 #collage #collageart #art #wallacepolsom #contemporaryart #arthistory #victorinemeurent #edouardmanet #birdwoman #surreal #surrealism
Wallace Polsom, "Shift Work I" (2019), paper collage, 15 x 25.1 cm | https://t.co/OGgtrWGd0E #collage #collageart #art #wallacepolsom #contemporaryart #shiftwork #arthistory #leonardodavinci #surreal #surrealism #abstract #abstraction #surrealistabstraction
Wallace Polsom, "Appetite for Destruction" (2019), paper collage, 19.7 x 26.4 cm | https://t.co/kEXHv9IsXc #collage #collageart #art #wallacepolsom #contemporaryart #satire #environmentalcollapse #destruction #prophecy #prophet #surreal #surrealism #arthistory
Wallace Polsom, "Rites of Spring" (2019), paper collage, 18.3 x 17.5 cm | https://t.co/qfTzMkuGtD #collage #collageart #art #wallacepolsom #contemporaryart #ritesofspring #arthistory #classstruggle #classwarfare #goya #watteau