

A very average european guy, with a love for videogames, especially Mega Man, Golden Sun, MOTHER and Wario.

フォロー数:111 フォロワー数:171

Quietly continues to comfort ship the stoic bug boy and laughing swordfighter girl, from the funny series about popping colorful jellybeans, in peace.

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Tried making the closest thing to a standalone release of the Wario Blast cover art we can get, via the cover of a 1995 Club Nintendo issue.

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Even taking my personal love for the character aside, it's so sad Scourge is gone, because Sonic could really use a long-term rival like him in the games. Someone who consistantly challenges him and can get under his skin.

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When I have the time I really want to write something with Sig and Quest's resident best girls.

Been meaning to do so since the Sig/Hilda fic I wrote got some refreshingly positive reactions.

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When your damage pose is eternally changed from Badass to ''Ow my ass!''.

Raffina is clearly kicking herself over that predicament.

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If we ever get more team-centric Mario spin-offs ala' Double Dash and Mario Party 7 again, I'd really love a K Rool and Captain Syrup duo.

The pirate villain duo of the Marioverse coming together to bless us with actually appealing roster decisions.

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Arle dyed her hair, to fit with her bf and gf.

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One day, Arle and Sig will get to interact again.




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Demoted Puyo protagonists that deserve better ARS

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Ready to not shut up about how good Sig/Rafisol is for another year!

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