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Warhammer Officialさんのイラストまとめ

Welcome to Warhammer's official X account #WarhammerCommunity

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It's time to get yer Waaagh! on and share yer painted Orks wiv us below. 🖌️

39 483

The Gnarlwood is the setting for the new edition of Warcry but it's not somewhere you'd visit on holiday. Learn about this leafy and lethal part of Ghur. https://t.co/FrTFMi0Zx4

12 136

Thanks to Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, beakies are back!

Share your painted examples of Mark VI Space Marine armour with us below.

43 549

There are some new road hogs coming to the ash wastes. Check out the new Goliath Mauler: https://t.co/HR3xmWI4Zy

47 442

Hit that "email me" button and you'll get a notification as soon as they return.

0 4

"I asked the coach what tactics they were going to use, Jim. He said it's a squeakret." – Bob

Share pictures of your Skaven Blood Bowl teams with us below.

6 149

Wait, that's non-metallic metal?! Get a closer look at Andy Wardle's jaw-dropping Sylvaneth: https://t.co/OG63gwOp72

49 562

Just because Sigvald likes their miniatures to be perfect, it doesn't mean that yours have to be too!

Show us what Warhammer you're currently working on.

22 422

"When it comes to Blood Bowl, Jim, I've always said that fortune favours the grave!" – Bob

Share your Necromantic Horrors teams with us below.

7 120

It doesn't matter which sept they're from or if they're one of the T'au Empire's auxiliaries – we'd love to see your painted miniatures. Share them with us below.

26 390