

Wahawa! baking a ~virtual stageplay~ about fucked up woodland critters destroying themselves and the world over a dead milf: SCORNHORN

フォロー数:282 フォロワー数:1057

wasting time till headache passes by sketching pokemon i havent drawn before

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[Sloshing sounds] Oh, Sorry! Don't Mind Me! Just,

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I did some Mixly sketches inbetween game sprite work

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On road trip, moving. Trying to draw by depleting my queasiness gauge with frequent stops anduuughghho00hhgh

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I’m a gonna go back and 100% Hollow Knight I think lol

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Speaking of Scornhorn, this isn't a huge update but I did a minor fix so other characters can talk too

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Wow! Better Scornhorn is SO MUCH more cool without all that BORING dialogue and clicking!!!!!! Now THIS is gaming!!!

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