

Water|28|Any Pronoun|Aro/Asex|
Your local insufferable sjw weeaboo hipster, | 日本語ツイッター @mizumajyo | Black Lives And Queer Lives matter

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:651



bonus theme park magalor

0 12

obligatory magalor because nintendo direct

1 7

you know like 'nya'

5 10

i want piririka to be an insufferable weeb

14 29

designing jrpg enemies and I think I accidently made a mascot

4 11

scanned a watercolour elf i did over the holidays

0 4

since salvatore mentioned he has a wife, uhhhh this my best guess who it might be

0 4

octillery regional blue octopus form when

3 9