

Neural networks and neuro basses

フォロー数:1363 フォロワー数:1033
# dalle2

I have joined the ranks of DALL-E 2 prompteurs!
My first day was spent in the latent hardware store looking for spare parts...

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Not too happy with the progress since 17M. The cherries are definitely very few and far between. Haven't written the code to evaluate FID yet, so kind of flying blind so far

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A rush of blood to the head

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Alternate version to Break - Release Me

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Another with 4x super resolution

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Have you noticed any repetitive artifacts? My runs seem dominated by these kinds of griddy patterns (I guess it might be because of the squeeze excitation skip-connections?)

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Especially in love with all the little copies floating around in blank areas. From a distance the images don't seem repetitive but on closer inspection there are a lot of repeated bits...

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Some stills from training batches without a checkpoint. Hoping I'll find similar bits in the ~40ish checkpoints I've got

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