

full-stack degenerate @degentribe // community manager building cult-like communities.

フォロー数:4033 フォロワー数:51700

Got 5

Where’s the tribe at?

5 21

Minted an who am I gifting?

4 25

🚨 Giveaway 🚨

Win: Secrete Society of Whales

1) follow

2) RT and join Discord:

3) Tag 2 friends

Winner picked at 300 discord members. Awarding active early discord members. 😎 🐳

111 154

Flaunt some cool NFTs in your collection, only images. 👇

2 14

🚨Presale Update🚨

📈547/1000 Presale spots
✅100 spots filled in the last 24h
🔜10 days left until Presale starts (Sept 15 @ 2PM EST)

To secure your spot:

1️⃣Join Discord
2️⃣Reach Level 2 by being active and engaging with the community

17 36

is the next BIG thing💎

10,000 about to go on sale on launch date + Tesla Giveaway

Never have I seen a roadmap as original & solid as this.

Join us at Angry Boars:
Presale date: September 15th

13 18

Day 3

Here are cool from talented Thailand illustrator
Check out his foundation link to find more.

If you get this there’s gonna be a discount for your future purchases. And a personal shoutout from me 😎

15 17