#pitmad#PB I DON’T LIKE THAT (168 words)
A crowd of little Somebodies gather around something and decide that they don’t like it, but that changes when a new Somebody decides that they do like the something.
Manuscript and book dummy
#pitmad#PB WE FOUND A KEY (224 words)
After finding an old and weird looking key, boy and his grampa discover that it unlocks the most important thing in the world.
Manuscript and book dummy.
LET GO by Wayne Gilbert 200 words
A little warrior is stuck in a colorless world until he decides to let go of his treasure box which is filled with things that he wants but does not need.
Manuscript and book dummy. #PitMad#PB
Let's Ask Mom for a Pet 200 words. Suggestions get wildly out of hand when a brother and sister won’t agree on what pet to ask for until Mom makes it an easy decision. #PitMad#PB
WE FOUND A KEY 224 words
A boy and his grampa find a key and discover that it unlocks the most important thing in the world.
Manuscript and book dummy. #PitMad#PB