

#ZUKO: out of my way, skinny. MOVED ACCOUNTS

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:1794

the last four characters in your gallery define your psychological state

dot dot dot

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them making the same face

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# Alternative Universe - Soulmates

(art: 1: zutara on tumblr; 2/3: artcrawl on deviantart; 4: bubblline on tumblr)

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# Alternative Universe - College/University

(art: perfectlypanda on tumblr and ecaworks on tumblr)

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# Arranged Marriage

art: 1: dschinga on deviantart 2: siquia on deviantart 3/4: perfectlypanda on tumblr

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# Friends to Lovers

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# Alternative Universe - Teashop!AU

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# Fluff without Plot

(art 1: nymre on tumblr 3-4: hayleynfoster on tumblr)

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# Angst with a Happy Ending

(fanart by yumedarling art)

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i think we can all agree that alphonse elric is a cinnamon roll

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