JOSH ᶦˢ ʰᶦᵍʰさんのプロフィール画像

JOSH ᶦˢ ʰᶦᵍʰさんのイラストまとめ…

フォロー数:292 フォロワー数:993

can i just add the fact that naruto did the “sasuke!!” but in shock and then had to say his name again. and shikamaru’s face when he sees sasuke HDJSJFJDJ

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NOT SASUKE WALKING IN ON NARUTO AND SHIKAMARU HSJSJJDS naruto looks happy to see sasuke, shikamaru’s staring at sasuke pissed that naruto’s soulmate is stealing his alone time w naruto and sasuke’s sad bc he thinks naruto’s cheating and then sasuke glares at shikamaru

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he’s so precious sleeping in his heart boxers he owns my whole heart

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yall im all about spreading positive energy rn so let me just put this here

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