

Children books , Character design and comic illustrator.
Next event : Doujima
[email protected]

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🎃 tealloween 🎃

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Yes, the other tea shop is hiring! This comic is just a little intro to their meeting. One of the main story ideas i have is that snakegirl has always been working at the cafe.

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day : loss

Just like any battle, there was much loss after the attack. Noble tea warriors that fought till their last breath. Friends and family to many back home and those who are left. Mourning was not uncommon especially for lilith the youngest of the party.#tea

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👹 Nezuko 👹

So I drew nezuko to be next to zenitsu. Cause I like him very much and i want to give him the chance to be next to his favourite girl cause he might not get that opportunity in the manga. HAHAHAHAH!!!

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day : Relief

The sweet relief of acceptance. It all begins with releasing and letting go. So I've just decided to do so. Goodbye ill feelings and goodbye overthinking! I'll be working from the heart and trying my best along the way!

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🎃 Tealloween 🎃

A mini comic on life and times of Ghostie & Frankie. Swipe for the next panel!

Ghostie is a softie for frankie 😂 I'm really enjoying fleshing out more of my oc's personality and world.

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🎃 Tealloween 🎃

Ghostie and frankie enjoying their afternoon tea at their usual haunt. The night is young, the tea is hot and they have forever ahead of them.The love of tea does not have to die for the dead.

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🎃 Tealloween 🎃

An aristocratic snake girl enjoying her afternoon tea -only to be rudely interrupted by us.

Another one of my oc's from the tealloween series!She and the conjoined twins all share the same world.She has a personal friend and butler who is a lizard man.

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🎃 Tealloween 🎃

My original oc's from my recent inktober. The conjoined twins with a cuppa tea.These boys have been on my mind for some time too! I have a few oc's for tealloween that i definitely see myself developing into a hopefully comic! ❤

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🍰 Tea knight 🍰
To fight for all that is tea is an honour known to none other than the tea knight! Wounded with his trusty biscuit shield chipped, he goes over the plans once again in the sugar cube fields.Determined, to take back what was rightfully tea!

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weird catalogue part 2/2


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