

Fanart Account ⚠️Art may be NSFW
🟦⛓️Mainly Blue Lock / isbc (+ rt heavy)
✏️Comm/OC Account: @wenbeez_art

フォロー数:787 フォロワー数:4544


260 1684


229 955


106 659

Wip! I like a cutesy looking Bachira
But I also like him looking serious and handsome
Don't know if I can pull it off in my style though😳

4 29

Wow it's already been a week??
How does one remain active online consistently 🫠
One day I will find the solution

Here are 2 of the comms I worked on
Sorry for the crop I'm too lazy to resize the files atm
I'll likely post the full versions sometime in the future!

2 10

Oc art / comm samples! Yes, I've given up on the last one. I'm too tired from doing these 😴

20 108

I'm having second thoughts about the frills on the straps. But it's going to be a hassle to edit it at this point...

0 10

isbc 🌱🐝

198 1531

4th full body in progress!

4 31