

Hi! I'm Whack. Aspiring artist, occasional writer and geek. I love to create things and I'm also obsessed with kitties. They so cuuute! \(^ ^)/

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:85

Happy birthday dood! Hope you have a fantastic day! \(^U^)/

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Happy birthday and one of my favourite characters of all time, Max Caulfield!
Thank you everybody who made Life is Strange such a beautiful adventure.

Here's some fan art I did of Max a while back. (^U^)

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Just finished this! Hope you like it. \(^U^)/

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I don't know any other artists I could chain in as those I know are already tagged. I'll post 4 pics though!

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Just finished this, some wholesome Catra and Melog companionship chilling near the Whispering Woods.

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Thankoo! Check She-Ra out, Daye. I think you'll enjoy it. (^U^)

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