Beanie 🐶さんのプロフィール画像

Beanie 🐶さんのイラストまとめ

Author, comic artist and illustrator. Puppy appreciator. 📚 Represented for publishing work by @MaileBeal…

フォロー数:785 フォロワー数:87633

More cute things about dogs :> Do your pups do/have any of these? I love the lil wrinkles some have on their necks so much. Sooo cute.

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That one day kids at preschool thought I was cool haha. Playing make believe as a kid was the best. I think a huge part of why I like storytelling now is because of that. What kind of make believe games did you play as a kid? Or any fellow Sailor Moon bbs out there?

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(1 out of 2) people ask how me and husband met all the time so here's the start of that story.

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That moment when you commit to carrying something too heavy 😂. We both do this and it's very silly. Once decided it was a good idea to walk home from a grocery store when buses weren't running (an hour and a half away) with a week's worth of shopping and it was not good.

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A childhood memory. I don’t think there was actually any dogs around to eat it the vanilla ice cream (and probably good because I don’t think ice cream is good for them XD?) but I think it’s also funny that I was so easily consoled by the prospect of the ice cream going to a pup.

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Another pup comic! This is another dog I used to have when I was a kid. Her name was Dolly and she was a staffie. The cuddliest pup I've ever had, such a sweetheart. She always lean really far back and almost fell while trying to get cuddles.

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I have an awful memory so I'm always amazed by how well servers remember orders. It can also sometimes make me feel self conscious that I eat take out too often haha. Nothing to do with the servers themselves, they're doing a great job - just me reevaluating my eating habits haha

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