

i eat rocks and put lettuce on my head (🌌twt ily @paparazzi_mp & @kiristenstenn)

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:512

this was supposed to b a doodle n i usually us lineart for doodles but then i decided to just just the bucket tool since its easier n then i got obsessive over little details 👍

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woooo jp 👍
all of their designs r gona b simple bc theyre all background characters lmao

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i was trying to think of ways my ocs would get cancelled on twt for but i could only think of one for hunter
he’d get cancelled for queerbaiting after he tells ppl he’s straight when he never told them otherwise 😭

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rose has a thing for piratecore girls with anxiety disorders apparently

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family portrait 👍
when i say owen is a lot older than her siblings, i mean it. also here’s what owen’s eyes and the rest of karma’s face used to look like

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i am genuinely sick of this piece at this point but i only have to make poppy and the background which is literally just red so like i have to hold out

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m gona talk abt the curses bc ive mentioned them before but never rlly explained them??
so like
// violence, abuse, vomiting, death, and just like pain and suffering in general

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LMAO KAPPAS TOO GAY TO SWOON FOR THE HOT WOMAN (ft neth being an aroace icon)

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