


she/her | 29 | hobby artist | 🔞 acct @Spicysauss (just unhinged ranting)

フォロー数:589 フォロワー数:4673

Commíssíön 👀

Selling these for $10-$15 bc I want to buy a Claude figure (and maybe Bernie bc I feel bad for Bernie).

Lil chibi things will be cheaper.

Poses will be simple. Color and simple background included.

DM if interested!

40 222

A huge reminder that I'm a Owainsev shipper

45 217

i will always insert ingrid any way i can

57 299

Happy Birthday Felix!

378 1534

Here is some more older stuff I made.

132 799

I did this back when FE3H came out, and apparently the Edelgard is a fairly popular Discord emote! (I say popular but I've only seen her and a redraw of her being used in two servers)

533 2839

How new Annas are made for every new FE game.

474 2552

Had the hardest time thinking of Sylgrid fan kid ideas until mentioned the trio pegasisters.

I haven't though of a name for them yet, but the placeholder names are Daisy, Lily, and Primrose. Daisy and Lily are twins but idk who has which names.

13 104