

Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me you

フォロー数:439 フォロワー数:625

all that's been on my mind now is Pokemon TFT... thanks

anyway, playin tft

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I honestly know the most generous group of beans this side of the internet. Thank you everyone that was kind enough to help me get Borderlands 3. I'm so stoked to play it :D

0 8

That’s the last time I say, “ likes my Instagram photo? C l o u t” on stream.

Ft. also

0 1

Playin' Overwatch <3 !bnet to join on PC.

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So like I brought this up in discord and curious on what everyone else thinks...

If you’re vegetarian, can you eat Vanillite?

1 5

Guys just bought me a physical copy of "I Wrote These" and I'm fucking sobbing, I haven't heard this album in years and if you think I won't plAY SUGAR COATS ON STREAM AND CRY, YOU'RE MISTAKEN

0 1

my fbi agent is subbed with twitch prime

im live //

1 4 hey, yall need hats for the summer?

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