

| Twitch Partner | ENVtuber | Twin Tailed Wolf | twitch.tv/whitewolfmeg | Discord: discord.gg/WJ4bjFZ

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1 year streaming anniversary on the 8th January....can’t believe it’s been almost a year already, come such a long way I’m and I couldn’t of done it without all of you guys ;-; I’m gonna try and plan something for the day and ideas are much appreciated XD

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Vrc is starting to spread to my dreams now...had a dream all the vrc streamers had to compete in a obstacle course map but instead of trying to beat each other, everyone started helping each other out, super cheesy I know but was nice XD

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Wishing everyone a great morning/afternoon/night, hope you all have/had a great time today xx If anything or anyone makes you sad just tell momma meg and I’ll get my nom fangs out!!! REEEEEE

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