

SFW alt of @/narutsuart, mostly shitposts tbh. PLEASE non-moots ask permission before drawing or making commissions of my OCs!🙂 icon by @RhymeWithRay

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:339

It took FIVE FUCKING YEARS for Cherche to get ONE alt😭 my queen

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AYO WHAT?! I didn’t expect fucking Naga of all characters XD I was so shook that Mila and Duma following right after wasn’t nearly as shocking as if otherwise would have been pftt. Also aww male Corrin looks so cute haha

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So that’s definitely male Corrin if they pull what they did with ninja banner we might finally get female Corrin’s witch costume from Cipherrrr!! Although I’m good with just male Corrin too!

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Ahh your hair is so pretty!~ it looks so lush and pink! Hmm I wonder what I would like with pink hair?(foreshadowing pftt)

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Libby: Sadie right? The normal type gym leader who’s as cute as a Wooloo. Although I have a feeling you’re more of Lycanroc in Wooloo’s clothing….am I right?

Lucia: U-um sorry for staring but I heard rumors you’ve got a lot of “experience👉👌” d-do you mind giving me some tips?

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I forgor to post the characters I’m kinda 👁🔥 at in FE Engage so far because I’ve been too busy thirsting over Pepsi. But uhhh here’s a few:

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Also Ray sent this Ganyu collab outfit and it looks so fucking cute on her!!!(I feel like it’d look fitting on Lucia too👁) Also saw cute new Ganyu emotes

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