

For unfinished stuff and yapping 🚮

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Happy K2 week!! (Day 1: Flowers )

I wanted to do at least something for them 💘

97 500

oh Clay, you pathetic man. I hate/love you

58 380

Hot ppl in your area

69 769

I thought I was going to be done with drawing SP but then I saw Michael/Pete artwork. Im so weak yall🚶‍♂️

89 748

k2 girls just wanna have fun

65 659

Ok maybe 1 more Stan drawing

88 708

gently offering cute Stan. I love seeing sp artists give him round eyes 💙💙

72 600

style in 🦊🐺form is potentially my fav

72 609

Their canon designs are gorgeous ugh I love how they get their own unique hair shapes

144 1085

spstyle still has a grip on me sometimes

153 1245