

Sharing random stuff from 1800 to 1920s: fashion, stories, art, and a compilation of faces and cultures that coexisted then ✨ curated by @HelenaMontufo

フォロー数:235 フォロワー数:236023

Fashion plate from La Moda Elegante Ilustrada, 1885

38 230

Fashion plate from Revue de la Mode, 1886

39 249

Spring, by Irish painter Sir John Lavery (1904). Musée d'Orsay.

1385 7996

Front page of La Vie Parisienne, 20th March 1926.

138 686

Windflowers, by English painter John William Waterhouse (1903). In private collection.

1065 6000

Front page of Vogue, by Frank Xavier Leyendecker, 1st March 1911.

399 2674



Fashion plate from Journal des Demoiselles, 1878

39 267

Fashion plate from La Moda Elegante Ilustrada, 1885

28 233

Fashion plate from La Moda Elegante Ilustrada, 1885

38 301