

30+ // 🔞 & dark themes // ADULTS only please! // (GER/EN) // art account

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:311
# wip

Anytime, dear!! I am so happy to see my friends succeed, I'm sure you'll write something amazing 🌸🌸🌸

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Give Hux the robe uniform he deserves, please!! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

I've been itching to draw this design on Hux ever since I saw it yesterday, but I only had time to sit down and draw now ... I had a big need to draw Hux looking as smug and elegant as I could. (Love his new old hair btw.)

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I wanted to try doing digital paintings of Ben and Armitage, inspired by the "Ophelia" painting by Sir John Everett Millais, so I sketched their faces after I was done studying for the day. The idea is that they're floating in dark waters, with flowers all around them.

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last day on arkanis

I sketched this in October last year and came back to it now - cadet!Hux, standing on a windy field on Arkanis. This is exactly how I envision him in my canonverse Benarmie story. 🍃

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I am back, kind of - some things will change, please refer to the screencaps below.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to me during my hiatus. I love you all dearly, and I want to continue being a part of this fandom. 💜

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I went back to an artwork I did for last year's Inktober and it somehow turned into canon verse Benarmie, what can I say ......................

(And yes, this is "anime".)

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Kylux priest AU - with glasses x 2.

Went back to this and completely redrew Kylo to make him look more like Paul Sevier ...... 💦
I want to try and push myself more toward making "complete" pictures with backgrounds, even if they're not very detailed.

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Twitter header commission for ❤❤❤
The prompt for this picture was something along the lines of "The Supreme Leader and his Grand Marshall, ready to take over the galaxy" and I couldn't have been happier with it!
Thank you so much for commissioning me, dear! ☺💞🌸

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