

Art nature wildlife

happily married to my soulmate

Seeking light in dark places

No war - Peace for all

フォロー数:11974 フォロワー数:12559

Good night my Twitter friends, wishing you a restful night & a peaceful day tomorrow- keep safe, sincere kind wishes for those ill, sad, lonely, worried or struggling- please take care💙💛#tuesdayvibe

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Keep warm and safe, Roy 😊👋☕️

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Two little cats for - wishing you a fab fun-filled, fluffy weekend my feline loving friends and furry owners xxx 😺🥰 🥰😺

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thank you Evelyn, yes I did - I'm painting in watercolours a lot more these days, and love to paint birds, other wildlife and flowers - have a lovely day my friend xxx

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Hope you had a happy day too, Jax! 😊🐝🌼

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keep safe my friend and look after your self 😊👋

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Beautiful baking, Roy - you are a talented cook! Wishing you a happy Tuesday/Wednesday - stay warm and toasty indoors, my friend - hope the snow will go away soon 🤗🍞☕️👋

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It's been damp, cold and misty today, so for Day 22 here's a tiny painting of a happy robin 🥰🎄🎅🐦❄️#Christmas

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