

With regret we are suspending posts to X as of January 1, 2025. Please join us on Bluesky at…

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LAST CALL! The deadline for our Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest is 11:59pm Hawaii time tonight. Win $3,000 for your poem, plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, . Submit online via :

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Entries are due TONIGHT for our Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest. 12 prizes totaling $8,000, plus certificates from for the top two winners. Submit published or unpublished poems. Final judge: | with

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You can enter our poetry contest by mail. Please send your entry and fee ($15 per poem, payable to Winning Writers) to: Winning Writers, Attn: Tom Howard/Margaret Reid Poetry Contest, 351 Pleasant St PMB 222, Northampton, MA 01060-3961. Postmark it by TODAY, September 30.

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Deadline Sep 28: Troubadour International Poetry Prize; win £2,000. Zoom reading with contest judges Mark Doty and Mona Arshi for all winning and commended poets. Limit: 45 lines per poem | with and

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25 Animations of Great Literary Works: From Plato, Dostoevsky & Dickinson, to Kafka, Hemingway & Bradbury | via

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We liked "LSD", the winning poem from our 2020 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest, so much, we asked Marta Zubieta to make this trippy art for it. Enjoy!

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“Stag Hunt”, a poem by Brooke Horvath after a painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder | via and

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Deadline Jan 15: Poem Contest; submit 1-5 poems to win $400, five copies of the issue you appear in, and the opportunity to participate in a standout interview about your work | with

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Deadline Apr 30: 's Final Short Story Award for New Writers; win $2,500 and publication; limit: 12,000 words | with

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Sponsored > Writers, submit your full-length manuscripts to the Contests in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction. Win publication, $1,000 advance, and a $1,500 travel/publicity grant to promote your book. DL June 30. with

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