attack maim and shred (COMMS OPEN)さんのプロフィール画像

attack maim and shred (COMMS OPEN)さんのイラストまとめ

Winter // they/them ze/zir he/him // 21 // digital artist, writer, girlboss apologist // HEADER BY @/ottiesfart // this is where i WOULD HAVE put my ko-fi link

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:129

oh god what didn't i give her
ivy can't die, has heightened senses, and isn't disturbed by gore

she has no weaknesses... as far as she's aware. i think women should just be powerful with no catch.

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there are a million things about ivy i could list, but i suppose a big one is the fact that her eyes can glow. its a small detail to show that she nor her abilities aren't quite human

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tw pet death
a very personal piece..... made a painting of our eldest dog who we suddenly lost last month. i went for a very painty style for him and i like how it's come out :)

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hello!!! i have a semi-realistic style, my prices are listed on my ko-fi! :]

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hii!!! i'm winter and i draw a lot of women, often doing heinous acts or holding hands. my comms are open and i'm currently working on a book about my two murder women ocs <3

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may i ask you please look at my main characters from what will be my debut novel....... pls and thank you

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hello!!! my comms are open on my ko-fi if you're interested! :]

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hiiii ive been writing a new adult sapphic romance over the past year and a half and its coming close to being finished. if you like women committing heinous acts whilst being caught in a complicated romance, perhaps you'd wanna look at the 6 chapter prev on my ko-fi 👀

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