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CHAMCHI*님의 캐릭터를 그려보았습니다. 원래 몇 달 전에 완성했었는데 이제서야 업로드를 하네요. 하하... 아무쪼록 잘 받아주시길 바랍니다!

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세인트릴리 쿠키를 의인화해서 그려보았습니다.
-I drew White Lily Cookie.

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세인트릴리 중간 세이브(중셉)

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쿠키런 오븐브레이크의 샤이닝글리터맛 쿠키를 그려보았습니다.
-I drew Shining Glitter Cookie in 'Cookie Run : OvenBreak'.

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This Emily(Stardew Valley) Fanart.
Scribble style. So this not high quality.
What kind the bird? Hmm... Dunno...! Just I wanted to draw parrot.

Youtube -

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I drew Shuten Douji. But, I didn't any play Fate/Grand Order(FGO).
This art just a gift for .
(So little different detail then original.)

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This art is the gift for

I started drawing last year. And eventually, I finished yesterday.

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