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フォロー数:443 フォロワー数:9819613

So. About that title for the 'Blade Runner' sequel... https://t.co/Wp3x7PJKkV

42 63

Apple's Mac OS X is dead. Long live macOS. https://t.co/b4nKYaCldM

73 99

You can now use your Xbox One to create (Windows) games https://t.co/xmsKZptkfu

44 63

MIT students just won a competition to design a Hyperloop pod https://t.co/nfiOhPLpxB

134 182

MIT students just won a competition to design a Hyperloop pod https://t.co/J7MHiO4q4D

174 232

Oculus’ new tool lets you animate films inside of VR https://t.co/xJ1FMKnCu6

123 177

You'll never believe how we got you to click on this story https://t.co/h06uagNFCf

71 86

Mars could one day have a ring made out of broken-up moon bits https://t.co/crtPnCYqZK

79 68

You've watched the new Star Wars trailer, right? https://t.co/dP2LLyTMlk

579 532

Hackers can silently control Siri from 16 feet away http://t.co/ezrUP4pNnR

330 182