

illustration, painting, currently I only do traditional art. Disabledartist/Chronicillness

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For this week this process is going to stay like this, I will rest from now until Monday of digital drawing👋

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Hi! I'm not very fanart often but sometimes I like to do some to rest from creating

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step three: I paint in a normal mode layer a specific area (usually the face) to see a difference and feel something more fulfilled, otherwise I feel that this shit does not advance and I get stressed, now at least it is an ugly stain, but something is good, really?

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Step two: I realize that I am looking like shit and I decide to go back to my usual technique, which consists of putting a layer in multiply mode and painting like a fucking 5 year old in dark colors

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Hi there! I am a Spanish illustrator who works both digitally and traditionally and who loves to draw monsters and fantastic creatures💜

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Thanks for the support💜

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Hi there! I am a Spanish illustrator who works both digitally and traditionally and who loves to draw monsters and fantastic creatures👋

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