

im Ro and this is my side acc for any naruto, gintama, one piece, sns, sakuino and occasionally other anime related content ! i also do art sometimes

フォロー数:485 フォロワー数:37680

we dont talk enough about how fast itachi figured out that sasuke was in love with and affected by naruto 😭

219 1409

sasuke uchiha's boyfriend is so pretty

306 1851

vote for one of the most iconic sun/moon ying/yang light/dark rivals to lovers pairings VOTE sasunaru!! ♥️ https://t.co/yf4aH9MN8L

118 499

sometimes i wonder if naruto and sasuke get into arguments as an excuse to get in each others faces like this

232 1474

spot the difference

157 1225


sasuke: *drapes himself over naruto everytime any other man that poses a competition to him is around them*

283 2028

sasuke is always the one who naruto envisions before him🥺

101 802



this new official art of sakuino is so cuute 🥺

43 336