

im Ro and this is my side acc for any naruto, gintama, one piece, sns, sakuino and occasionally other anime related content ! i also do art sometimes

フォロー数:485 フォロワー数:37680

this official art fucking k1lls me bc you have literally everyone posing normally here and then there's sasuke who is giving one of the gayest post imaginable to man

54 467

thinking about the "N.S" sign on this chapter cover

60 612

sasuke wearing nail paint and rings in this official art. thats it that's the tweet

88 780

these similarities will never not be funny

104 625

naruto was so iconic for this

89 728

sasuke being so exasperated while trying to prevent his team from fighting each other is so cute

48 409

this guy is as straight as his rasengan

34 329

the way deidara got decked by both naruto and sasuke in the same way 😭

147 1708

sasuke is both the gay son and the thot daughter

86 644