

IWBTG fangame player & maker, Twitch partner and enthusiast of many JRPG's & VN's.
PFP drawn by @UpMocks

フォロー数:491 フォロワー数:540

Aaaaanother Ys game down. Seven was fun, and the story got surprisingly interesting after my initial impressions. Seeing a returning character from an older Ys game was also a big highlight. Only Lacrimosa left until the wait for Monstrum Nox! 👀

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Another Ys game down. Napishtim wasn't my favourite but it did have some cool bosses and areas (and hey I recognised the I Wanna be the Overlord overworld theme!). I can definitely see where Falcom improved the system in Felghana and Origin. Only Seven & Lacrimosa to go... 🥳

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Starting with Ys: The Oath in Felghana! Favourite Ys game so far out of the 5 I've played. Great boss fights (mostly), feeling very satisfying to execute correctly. Hard mode really didn't hold back though, so I'm curious what Nightmare and Inferno are like. Maybe one day...

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My favourite things I played in 2020:

1. The House in Fata Morgana
2. Trails of Cold Steel 3 (I limited myself to one Trails game for this list otherwise it wouldn't be a very varied top 5
3. Persona 4 Golden
4. Dragon Quest 11
5. AI: The Somnium Files

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Beating CrossCode must've put me in an action RPG mood because I bombed through Ys Memories of Celceta in like 3 days. Really fun combat, although going to Oath of Felghana will feel weird again. Characters were fun too. This'll probably be the last game I beat in 2020? Maybe.

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Finished playing through a hard mod I found on a GameFAQ's thread for Breath of Fire 3, one of the JRPG's I grew up with. And wow, it made me realise I don't know the game as well as I thought because I got my ass handed to me. Really fun challenge and a nice nostalgic trip.

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After 94 hours, the journey is over. Honestly a 10/10 experience for me. I'll really miss hanging out in Inaba with such a wonderful cast of characters that I warmed to so much over the last few weeks. Really had an amazing time with this one and I can't recommend it enough.

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I started Baldr Sky a few weeks back but that'll take a while to appear on this clear log, so in the meantime I beat Indivisible. Fun metroidvania/action-RPG hybrid with great visuals and a crazy amount of characters. It's a shame Lab Zero Games are in such a bad spot right now.

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Hadn't read a VN in a while so I decided to bomb through this in one day, and it was one hell of a ride. Won't be forgetting this one anytime soon.

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I ran through Ys 2 yesterday. Fun game with much better (and fairer) bosses than Ys 1. Bump combat grew on me more, although that's the last time I'll see it. I do hope the lore and characters established in these first 2 are prevalent throughout the rest of the Ys series.

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