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A really enjoyable experience today at The Cliff, for the MUFC Year 1 ‘champions cup’ competition. The children all had lots of fun & played some brilliant football, as well as demonstrating excellent team work & spirit. The team managed to finish 3rd! What a great achievement.

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The children were amazing this afternoon preparing and making a vegetarian chilli and rice, especially using the frying pan. It was delicious . Healthy, fast food in 30 minutes.

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Well it’s fair to say the children loved the recipe and they had to work hard for it. Lots of skills covered this afternoon and as promised a picture of the recipe for some eager home cooks. It may be a popular breakfast this weekend -give it a go and adapt to taste. Enjoy!!

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Finished yoghurt and fruit pots

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On route to Warrington Cricket Club with the Girl’s Cricket team. Our first ever County Finals! Hope the weather holds out.

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Work on the AstroTurf has begun! Farewell to the old turf and thank you to all the parents who have helped us to raise this money last year. Watch this space for updates.

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We had to do household chores, 1940s style.

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