

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:269

...When women and girls, everywhere, begin to see themselves as more than inanimate objects; but as beautiful beings capable of deep feelings and high thoughts, this has the capacity to create change all around...– C. JoyBell

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is lady oriented NFT collection focused on love of fashion, for ladies beauty, women's mental health, covering loneness issues and more. WL is coming soon.

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GM Fam!

What NFT do you recommend now?
Anything for Moo? Share with me please.

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is coming soon. amazing long term project and awesome team. Moos will rock in fashion NFT

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NFT collection is coming April 2022

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What makes NFT collection awesome and successful?
- Standout art style
- Talented team
- Not greedy owners with a desire to give back
- Community that love and promote the collection
- Invest in others

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GM Fam,

How would Moo dress in 19th Century?
Yeah this way )))

We are Moos, we are brave, joyful, creative, intelligent ladies who create an awesome women-led NFT collection.

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Like my fake fur coat? 🔥
strongly supports fashion leaders like
, , in not using a real fur in fashion! We stand for making animal-free sustainable textiles!❤

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