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- here's conan the barbarian chopping someone's head off! - after john buscema from savage sword of conan no.61, february 1981 :)
- here's hopey reading - with a luvly little maggie doll in the background - after jaime hernandez, from love & rockets volume 2, no.14, 2005 :)
- a late birthday present for my partner, Jenni - but very welcome - from & by the wonderful @mccreaman - it's... BABY YODA! :)
- i've made a new marvel comics 1960s letterhead - after jack kirby & marie severin (on iron man, quicksilver & hulk) - feel free to share & use yourself if you like... :)
- here's a quick sketch i did just for fun - after #jackkirby, tales of the unexpected, dc comics late 1950s - original alongside in case anyone would like to compare & contrast... :)
- here's a drawing of fantastic four baddie DIABLO after alex toth, 1967 with a background by steve ditko... :)