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One of my favorite "Justice League" images come from the "Justice League Adventures" comic series. Just check out this iconic cover to issue #11. The cover art is by the legendary Rick Burchett.
#JusticeLeague #DCAU #JLReunion
If you enjoyed "Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and want more, go check out the crossover's source material! Whether it's the three main crossovers or the awesome animated title, both with incredible creative teams, all are worth scoping out!
#BatmanTMNT #TMNT #Batman
"Turtles Forever" is the perfect movie to pop in as we count the minutes to tomorrow's digital release of "Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." While not perfect, "Turtles Forever" remains a fun love letter to the half-shell heroes! #TMNT #NinjaTurtles #BatmanTMNT #Cowabunga
Breaking out the Batman: The Complete Animated Series Blu-ray set to watch "On Leather Wings" tonight. This episode looks just so damn good in HD. The first time I watched this episode it was on a small teeny tiny boob tube TV. Unreal.
#BTASonBluray #BTAS #BatmanTAS #Batman #DCAU
DC Comics is releasing a "Young Justice: The Animated Series - Book One" trade paperback collection this October 2019. The price is $19.99US with cover art and contents to be confirmed. More details to come!
#YoungJustice #YoungJusticeOutsiders #YJ #YJOutsiders #DCUniverse
So just how awesome is this piece of "Justice League" art by Min S. Ku? He did some great work on the old "Batman Beyond" and "Justice League Adventures" comics back in the day. Truly an underappreciated artist.
#JusticeLeague #JLUnlimited #DCAU #MinSKu
A nice (though somewhat inaccurate) style guide image featuring some of the world's greatest super-heroes from "Justice League Unlimited."
#JusticeLeague #JLUnlimited #JusticeLeagueUnlimited #DCAU
"Avengers: Endgame" is an amazing film and the near perfect culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to date. It's a thrilling experience - lots of laughs, surprises and tears - and a stunning accomplishment. Prepare yourself...
#AvengersEndgame #Avengers #DontSpoilTheEndgame
How great is this classic piece of "Batman Beyond" art by Alex Ross? Absolutely stunning.
#BatmanBeyond #Batman #DCAU #Batman80 #LongLiveTheBat
Is it wrong to think that, after "Justice League vs. The Fatal Five," I'd be down for another "Teen Titans" animated movie. "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo" is piles of fun, but an animated movie with a huge cast of Titans? That'd be kinda cool.
#TeenTitans #TeenTitansGo #TitansGo