

Project Blue Book * Will Trent * The Rookie
Science, critters, weather, weird stuff...love 'em
I block all bots/trolls. It's Twitter, not X.

フォロー数:488 フォロワー数:1366

Nah, going with the Church of the Spaghetti Monster.

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Still waiting for Captain Quinn to be rescued from wherever he is in the icy Antarctic. We need season 3 or at least a movie for One day, I hope!

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Working from home can be tough. Or not. Depending on your perspective. 😹

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Knew Bugs Bunny looked 'off' so found original picture and yeah, he's way too 'smooth' (no fur at sides/top). Just isn't the same...

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It's and NOW there is concrete evidence as to the scenario that has plagued humankind since socks were invented. 🤣

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Sooo many to choose from, but is so memorable, and so mockable... 😹

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