

An amicable chap | he/him

フォロー数:219 フォロワー数:1968

cute wittle skrunkly, what a wholesome bean

he just wants to give you little presents :)

3 44

i think it suggests more that there's a 3 that stands above the rest, i'm not sure i've found a 3 that greatly offends me by its mere existence

actually you know what, its this; his smug aura mocks me and his clenched fist implies violence and i don't take threats well

0 3

Forget locos, how about an entire railway transported by elephants?

For the British army's march through the Bolan Pass during the 'Great Game', they used Decauville's portable railway system to move provisions while elephants carried it as they moved to prevent their reuse

5 37

Ducks and the Diesel Engine

9 94

Ken Stott Terence wishes you a pleasant evening

12 134

Abnormally Large Eagle, your time has come

2 30

I make a wish upon the monkey's paw for Peter Edwards to have illustrated Chris' books like he could've

He does but they're all drawn like this to punish mortalkind for daring to meddle with fate

9 71