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@_maddiemueller_ @ChrisGoode317 @xSistardxsom_ @NastaZiazm @G_I_DLE @WG_Lim @SherylPrattERA @rubberclowncar @RVsmtown @xsistarBora @RBW_MAMAMOO @goldendawnARK @D_Drive_Yuki @JustynBrodsky @HATFELT731 @JanaandtheREBEL @polaris_lc @shishido_kavka @magnifyk @jackievenson From that guy that does the #TexasMusicHourOfPower every week.. we got here in a covered wagon, which probably took 1/2-2/3 of a year. Put it way ahead of a bucket list. If the skeeters only bit Chris, they were babies. Just sit on the gulf with a machine gun for the big ones.
@sincitybudda @non_dayo_ne @ManeatGrass @Delerium65 @DellOlioMario @4M_jiyoonitt @EmmroseMusic @MINA_GF_BAND @CJAI921FM @x_uyumetal_x @mayto_guitar @hagane_0623 @VVVizhanska @wyattpauley @IamMikeGordon @FORKSTER_2013 @inexrecords @PaulAddieMusic Bro, check out your IG! BTW, everyone on this list is wonderful and talented and some play in multiple bands and they are all great and beautiful people! このリストの誰もが素晴らしいと才能があり、いくつかの複数のバンドで演奏し、彼らはすべて素晴らしいと美しい人々です!
@jamingeorge04 @SarahDresser70 @running_shadows @ana_spano @Chrissy_Clarke @Johnldeboer @Readerhal54 @Russell_Writer @MondayDPoet @woodcowbooks @CP_Daly @SunIslandMusic @IamBalashan1980 @missmackieuk @valeriepenny @ImBradMan @laliaristo @AwesomeRex_ @Thompson_DavidW @BStubbles @Quinnqueens @kymwald @tracyjh8 @EllenJordis @Kellyrei007 @SPOFarrell3 @bposi98 @jcvandez @Ryan_OHara91 @MichelleFaithLu @ZeyneddinD @CDAngeloAuthor @Hayla_Lales @Galdrafodr @nikki_twisted @lilylawson22 @TanyaPacker2 @honeycakebooks @museofdestiny @newenglanddaisy @BarrySBrunswick @jsl32112 @joanne_paulson @MKBeker @me_brady @halo_scot @ejdawsonauthor @l_paterno This is Jami, Sarah and so many on this thread and the #WritingCommunity: (BTW, you can use them, Photoshop them, something I've never used) Mixed paint on Wood or ceramic(I'm old school)
@d_ast777 @Kellyrei007 @Quinnqueens @MichaelaStein9 @tristanbtaylor @Chrissy_Clarke @ana_spano @Reflex_6 @JulieKusma @StuartJames73 @AwesomeRex_ @DutrizacSue @EllaineDreams @TySparks8 @woodcowbooks @CarolynRuffles @SJTurner_Author @laliaristo @kcjulius @wordrefiner @BeamsAmanda @DellOlioMario @SarahMaeSutton @vicky_whedbee @EvaFarohi @LillaJBlackmore @joanne_paulson @CardiganStories @SkyWatcher_HL @TheWife101 @annashorthead @MCSheridan2 @allikesbigbooks @l_paterno @wlwo51 @CDAngeloAuthor @AnyaPavelle @ILAGolden @veil_lord @SVFilice @LMaybrooke @Shoguun1 @Blink_Drive @MissPancake9 @jgmacleodauthor @GoalScorinMaria @HMMills203 @MoonlitTrilogy I just wanted to be clear I wouldn't say anything like that David, I even sent you some good music! Bobby wrote the sax hook for Brown Sugar, but don't you owe me triads of Aflat Eflat min7 Bflat9 down 2 then up pull off Bflat9 Cmin7 Bflat min7 Bflat9 ??? Me? Know music? hmmm